Skullcap (Scutellatia Lateriflora)
The Mind's Eye II
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Folk Names: Helmet Flower, Hoodwort, Madweed
Properties: Dedications, Fidelity, Handfastings, Initiation Rites, Love, Oaths, Peace, Relaxation, Vows
Gender: Feminine
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Hera, Obatala
Zodiac: Gemini
Zodiac: Gemini
Chakra: Crown
Magical Uses: In sleep pillows for relaxation & peace, Worn by women to keep their husbands faithful, Protects the practitioner on spirit journeys, Bind oaths and consecrate vows & commitments, In bath magic to calm the aura of tensions & stress, In spells for relief from disharmony, Place a pinch in a lover's shoe to keep them from being affected by charms of others
Magical Uses: In sleep pillows for relaxation & peace, Worn by women to keep their husbands faithful, Protects the practitioner on spirit journeys, Bind oaths and consecrate vows & commitments, In bath magic to calm the aura of tensions & stress, In spells for relief from disharmony, Place a pinch in a lover's shoe to keep them from being affected by charms of others
Origin: USA
**Organic & Sustainably Sourced
**Organic & Sustainably Sourced