Periwinkle (Vinca Minor)

Periwinkle (Vinca Minor)

The Mind's Eye II

Regular price $2.99 Sale

Folk Names: Blue Buttons, Centocchiio, Devil's Eye, Joy on the Ground
Properties: Attraction, Death, Fidelity, Grace, Grief, Harmony, Happiness, Love, Lust, Memories, Mental Powers, Money, Passion, Peace, Pleasure, Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Relationships
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Chakras: Throat, Crown
Planet: Venus
Deities: The Virgin Mary
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Magical Uses:
Put in the shoe to prevent weariness during travel & to strengthen the body, Wear to protect against the evil eye or to aid in making business deals, Give to quarreling couples to cease their fighting, Keep in home (away from pets & children) for protection, Carry on board ships to prevent seasickness, Carry in pocket or hang in house to prevent arguments & bring peace, In spells to protect psychic energy from negativity & to strengthen, cleanse & repair the aura, Deeply associated with midwifery & the high priestess card of the tarot
**Certified Organic & Sustainably Sourced