Mojo Beans (Vicia Faba)
The Mind's Eye II
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Folk Names: Saint Joseph Beans, African Wishing Beans
Properties: Abundance, Attraction, Blessings, Desires, Intention Setting Rituals, Good Luck, Love, Money, Prosperity, Protection Amulet, Success, Wishes
Manifesting Tool: Make an odd number of wishes (1,3,5 or 7) for each wish, place one bean in your pocket. Carry for 7 days, on the 7th day call out your wishes & throw them over your left shoulder in the crossroads or into running water. Walk away & don’t look back. Wish should manifest in 7 days!
Magical Uses: Leave as an offering on St. Joseph`s feast day, then give them away for good luck, Plant in the ground outside your doorway or place underneath a doormat,
to protect the household from harm, negativity, evil, curses & black magic, Carry as a good luck charm or carry regularly to never be without the necessary essentials of life, Keep in purse or wallet to bring in abundance, prosperity, money, wealth, Keep 3 beans in kitchen & pantry will never be bare, Associated with the underworld- traditional offerings to ancestors, spirits & the beloved dead, Put 3 wishing beans in a potted plant & place in the living room to keep a peaceful environment within the home
to protect the household from harm, negativity, evil, curses & black magic, Carry as a good luck charm or carry regularly to never be without the necessary essentials of life, Keep in purse or wallet to bring in abundance, prosperity, money, wealth, Keep 3 beans in kitchen & pantry will never be bare, Associated with the underworld- traditional offerings to ancestors, spirits & the beloved dead, Put 3 wishing beans in a potted plant & place in the living room to keep a peaceful environment within the home