Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica)

Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica)

The Mind's Eye II

Regular price $9.99 Sale

Folk Names: Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat's Leaf, Woodbine
Properties: Creativity, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Honesty, Luck Love, Memory, Money, Power, Protection, Psychic Powers, Success
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury 
Element: Earth
Chakras: Throat, Third Eye
Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo
Magical Uses:
Put around green candles to attract money, In charms or sachets to draw success & quick abundance, In protection or divination spells, Place in home to promote love & harmony between those who live there, For all manners of “sweetening” spells, especially working to enhance love & sexuality, Scent clears the mind, uplifts the spirit, sharpens intuition, inspires generosity & faithfulness, Burn as incense or rub crushed flowers on forehead to increase psychic abilities, or induce psychic dreams, In spells designed to determine the true worth of a person or thing
Origin: China
**Certified Organic & Sustainably Sourced