Folk Names: Berberis, Berbery, Candleberry, Tallow Shrub, Wax Mrytle
Properties: Abundance, Attraction, Fertility, Friendships, Harmony, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity, Stability
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Earth
Deities: Dionysus
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac: Scorpio
Magical Uses: Burn a bayberry candle on new year's eve to have good luck the following year, Carry in your coin purse or wallet to increase financial flow, Sprinkle around a money drawing candle to give your spell extra power, Dress a candle with bayberry for continuous prosperity & stability, Put in a green mojo bag with
a piece of aventurine to invite good luck (especialy with money), Bayberry in magic is powerful, Burn on charcoal and carry clockwise through your home for protection
**Certified Organic & Sustainably Sourced