Apple Blossom Love Oil Ritual
The Mind's Eye II
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Made in a small batch by Danielle
Apple Blossom- divination, happiness, healing, love, peace of mind, purifies emotions, restores sense of inner health
Clear Quartz- amplifies intentions
Moonstone- happiness, love & hope
Jojoba Oil- ruled by the moon, brings love & healing
Calling in the elements: When an apple is cut in half you will find a 5-pointed star in the middle connecting us to Spirit, Earth, Air, Fire & Water
During the February New Moon in Aquarius, eight dried apple blossom petals, were put into a bottle of jojoba oil with clear quartz and moonstone & then charged
Magical Use:
Each day, until the Full Moon on February 24th, connect with your oil and crystals, by holding it & slowly mixing back & forth. Hold it over your heart, and visualize your intentions- calling in self-love & confidence, opening your heart, the desired qualities in a future partner or the changes desired with an existing lover.
On the full moon, create a sacred and safe space. Anoint your heart center with the oil, remembering your visions of love, hope, healing put into the oil during this lunar cycle. Dress your candle, by starting at the top of the wick and applying the oil downwards, again visualizing your intentions.
Light the candle and let it burn down, embodying the new energy you have brought in!
Continue to wear the oil on your heart daily or use in any love magic
Happy heart opening and welcoming in your soulmate or the enhanced bond with your lover!