Deer's Tongue Leaf (Liatris Odoratissima)

Deer's Tongue Leaf (Liatris Odoratissima)

The Mind's Eye II

Regular price $8.99 Sale

Folk Names: Vanilla Leaf, Wild Vanilla, Hound's Tongue 
Properties: Ancestors, Charisma, Clarity, Communication, Divination, Eloquence, Growth, Guidance, Insight, Legal Assistance, Lust, Magnetism, Peace, Psychic Powers, Spiritual Connection 
Gender: Masculine 
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical Uses: Sprinkle around your home or work environment to open up more positive communication, Carry to bring eloquent speech, Burn as incense or carry as an amulet to bring spiritual insight, to deepen spiritual practice and connect with the divine, Powerful tool to help communicate with the spirit world and to receive guidance from ancestors, Wear or sprinkle around the bed to attract men, Wear to aid psychic powers, Add to honey pot spell to sweet talk your target 
Origin: USA
**Wild Harvested in the USA