Scents with Benefits: How to Craft Fragrances Like a Perfumer

Scents with Benefits: How to Craft Fragrances Like a Perfumer

The Mind's Eye II

Regular price $6.95 Sale

In this cute little zine from author Abigail Houston, learn all about the art of perfumery and how to create your own scents for use in a wide variety of products. Houston started this zine project when she realized that she was highly sensitive to many artificial or synthetic chemicals used to add fragrance to everyday household products, from dish soap, to laundry detergent, to hairspray, deodorant, and more. Rather than suffer the rashes and migraines that come from this sensitivity, Houston set out to create natural fragrances that are better for people and the planet. With a history of perfume and an in-depth discussion of the techniques used to manufacture your own fragrances, Scents With Benefits is a fun introduction and guide to making things smell incredible without nasty chemicals.